1. How would you like to die a hundred times over? And die in so many different ways? Here you can read about a woman who likes to experience a variety of imaginative deaths every day. [contributor: howidiedtoday at HOW I DIED TODAY]
2. To have a nose, or not a nose. That is the question when worrying about a better way to clip one's nose hairs. Death nose, and death knows. [contributor: Mark A. Rayner at THE SKWIB]
3. Voices inside the heads of other people are quite hard to hear. We all want to hear voices sometimes, and we wonder what the voices might say. The vocal cords of those voices would be a treat to see. [contributor: motherjones-rn at NURSE RATCHED'S PLACE]
4. After 33 deaths, this one-act play finally gets to see the light of day. Perchance anyone thinks his existentialism tells infinite clues?[contributor: [link sent in by Bellance] THE SMOKING GUN]
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Be a part of Medical Surrealism by submitting a post (or website or blog) of artwork, prose, poetry, linguistics, photography, story, documents, odd, unusual, experimental, or conceptual to the next issue, Issue 03, before May 23, 2007. Send your submissions to flic at banquetofballoons(at)yahoo(dot)com or via the "Carnival of Medical Surrealism" link you see located on the sidebar under "Additional Links". Thanks.
Any and all copyrights belong to the individual authors.
Freak me out.. There's some good stuff in here..
I was gonna say something in french. But that Cho guy writing is on the other side.
flashiest ornament maraschino sabbatical. periwinkles will remain in the area until the beginning of the topic.
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