Friday, October 13, 2006

Clay Is Allegory


She does her everyday life routines, as a regular person on campus.

And then at night, deep in the night, she contemplates her deepest thoughts.

She has a particular heart condition, wherein she is unable to love anyone.

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Canopenner said...

Man I thought the last one was hard...

During the day clay makes a living, She wonders here, wonders there, does what she needs to do.

At night she feels alone and afraid, she doesnt feel so alive at night, and the day just seems like a dream. Was she really there doing those things, or does she just percieve that she was? Well she will see if tomorrow comes. Someday it wont anymore. She wonders what that would be like. With no more days and nights filling her thoughts.

And her poor heart yearns for love. Love that could save her from this trauma. She wonders if it will ever find her. But pehaps she has already found it and this is all a product of her over active imagination. Everything seems alright. Whats the worst that can happen?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what her deepest thoughts are, and if they are connected to her heart condition. I hope we find out.

Anonymous said...

It's the attack of the little green women. Make that big!

flic said...

canopenner- Good questions!

in college- Would you really want to find out?

mr. fabulous- LOL! Thanks for the compliment!

max- Hey, Max! Do you like them big or small?

Anonymous said...

Clay needs to switch to decaf, especially after 9 pm. Then she won't be lying there awake all night thinking all this crazy shat. She'll be sleeping like clay should be doing at that time of night.

Her heart has just gotten hard. That's what happens when you stay up all night and don't get your moisture sleep. Wrap her in a wet wash cloth for an hour... she'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

I don't really get what this is all about but i really like the word "Allegory".


Anonymous said...

She doesn't have a heart condition. She just hasn't realized that anyone isn't the one for her. He smiled at a sorority girl at homecoming and she turned green with envy. She hasn't the self confidence to believe that someone really loves her. She does have beautiful lips.

flic said...

d.b. cooper- Very good advice! But it may be too late. Watch for Episode 3.

junior hawk with featherless wings- Allegory is a good word. Look at it all as allegory, and it gets even stranger!:)

tamingtiger- Beautiful lips will do it every time! You might be onto something about her heart condition. But none of that matters when...

cindra jo- I think you may be able to help her, but maybe not! She's clay, and she's ever changing -- and too rapidly.

puerileuwaite said...

It is rather unfortunate that one does not have to be a regular person on campus to feel this way.

flic said...

puerileuwaite- Yes, that is unfortunate (and so true).

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