Now guess what everyday object he described.
[Mike, a schizophrenic
patient, wearing a
patterned tie.]
Please read the Introduction (to the schizophrenic descriptions) and its comments section first.
Balloons are more balloons. Observation of the surreal as a source of knowledge, and being affected consciously by paranoia.
Tea pot/ electric kettle.
e and /t.- No, the everyday object described is not a tea pot, electric kettle, smoke detector, or fire alarm.
pistol, rifle, or other type of gun.
a thermometer?
good for me- Once again, you're so close yet... But you're on target here in a certain way with pistol, rifle, or other type of gun. Although the everyday object Mike descibed is not any of those guesses directly.
canopenner- No, not a thermometer. That guess would be considered getting colder.
Is it a radio or television? Perhaps he heard or saw some calamitous information.
dana- Hello! Good guesses. But no, it's not a radio or television. Although you're somewhat on the right track.
A remote control (la ser ?)for say a TV or music system?
e and cherie!- Not a remote control for a TV or music system, not a burglar alarm, and not something to announce an approaching storm / tornado, or a windhchime, or those birds that sit on the desk and shake and wobble. Yes, I'd love to know the official (word)name for those birds that shake and wobble!
A microphone? A see-saw? A canon? watergun?
zelda- Not a microphone, see-saw, canon, watergun (or gun of any kind). Although a canon is strangely yet remotely connected to this everyday object that Mike described.
Flash gun? Camera?
e- Excellent! It's not a flash gun (or, remember, any other kind of gun). But a camera...
Is it a Salad Shooter?
No, it's not a salad shooter.
"e" got the answer.
The answer is: a camera.
Congratulations "e"!
congrats e!
flic - can you please connect "camera" to how you saw it as somehow related to gun and cannon?
Oh shoot! Thanks ;)!!
I was going to say police siren. Too damn urban.
good for me- A camera is related to gun in that both of them "shoot", or involve "shooting". And camera is related to canon/cannon in the same far away way that Minolta, Pentax or Canon is related to camera.
The hints I give are meant to be wide-ranging and thought-provoking, as well as helpful. Otherwise, I would be giving the answers away.
/t.- I'll do it.
enemy of the republic- Hey, camera these days is just as urban as police siren.
yep flic, after i asked and thought for about 2 more seconds and thought..."shoot". That's it!
I'm sorry to interupt your class here, but I just wanted to pop in and say "hello." And to tell you that I have added you to my blog.
Hello. I have added you to my blog.
You may now resume what you were doing.
Well, hello, and thank you twice, little lamb. I like your style.
Hi flic , could you let Mike know that I added this post to my blog's favourite links. I cannot seem to post the code you gave me.
Hello E! Thanks for adding this post to your favorite links. Try this code below. It should work.
*a href="http://balloonballoon.blog
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To complete the code above, simply change all the * to < and all the $ to >
Thanks again E!
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