Now guess what everyday object she described.
[Julie, a schizophrenic
patient, wearing her
favorite gold earrings.]
Please read the Introduction (to the schizophrenic descriptions) and its comments section first.
Balloons are more balloons. Observation of the surreal as a source of knowledge, and being affected consciously by paranoia.
No, it's not a garbage disposal. Good guess, though.
coffee filter
good for me- Excellent guesses. But not a coffee filter, nor a sponge.
Hmmm...sounds like a...
paper bag?
Or some other kind of bag...
Great description, by the way.
Best one yet ;-).
Hmmm...sounds like someone clearing up a dirty dinner plate, washboard then? Could also be describing beating /kneading something, doughmaker?
a pen?
grab grab
round round
matina- No, not a paper bag (or any kind of bag). Very good guess, though. I could see it!
What is it specifically that you like about this particular description? It's intriguing that you say that.
cherie!- Excellent guess with the pitcher's glove! But no pitcher's glove, or fishing rod/pole or gardening tool ( trowel / shovel / pitchfork -- or any other such gardening tool).
e- And it's not a dirty dinner plate, washboard, or doughmaker.
Although a dirty dinner plate is close to this everyday object in its own certain way, so to speak.
good for me- And it's not a pen. The "innard" and "sink" don't make "ink" in this case. But otherwise you're on the right track with your intelligent (and impressive) investigative skills!
Water swirling down a sink
I am thinking food article (Grab a snack / Grub?), something to sink 'in hard' (your teeth?) - a sandwich?...but round. Doughnut then?
little lamb- That's a beautiful image! Although the everyday object Julie described is not water swirling down a sink. Still, your guess is somewhat connected (in a certain way) to the everyday object she described.
e- Wow! Good thinking. Doughnut is a very good guess. And it's actually also quite connected (in a certain way) to the everyday object in question.
From a poetic standpoint...probably because of the alliteration, and the words 'innard/sink'. Gives it a nice absurdist/surrealist feel.
Is it a yo-yo?
matina- Now that's a nice feel! And a nice guess. But it's not a yo-yo.
Dirty faucet?
Is it hamburger (Ground Beef)?
Sounds like hamburger to me.
enemy of the republic- There's something about the way you say "dirty faucet"! And although a dirty faucet is not the everyday object Julie described, it (a faucet) could be connected to the object in a not so far away way (under certain circumstances).
cherie!- The everyday object described is not a toothbrush, a mop, duster, or a paper towel dispenser. Nor is it any kind of cleaning apparatus. I like your sigh.
canopenner- Grub = food. Ground round = could be ground beef. Maybe innard sink = the act of eating, digesting. I see the hamburger. And it's a very good guess! But it's not a hamburger. Now I'm hungry.
How about a dishwashing glove/rubber glove?
...though drat, now I see you specified it's not any kind of cleaning apparatus. back to the drawing board!
hh- Hello Heidi. A glove could possibly be a good guess. But you're right, it's not a dishwashing glove/rubber glove. Nor is it, in this case, any other type of glove. But yes, please do try again.
I know this is wrong and its not really an everyday object but it also really sounds like a gravitron to me...
You know the carnival ride?
I would guess something else but thats what I have in my head now.
canopenner- That's great, you have a gravitron in your head now! But the object Julie described is not a gravitron. You said you would guess something else. What else would you guess?
Taking grub to mean "worm" or wormy, the food association (round dinner?)is sphagetti..hence a utensil.
Could also be garden hose though I lost the train of thought why?
How 'bout a soup (or salad?) bowl? Grab a piece of bread, use a pepper dispenser to add ground pepper, dunkin' the garnish...wash up later.
Could also be a 'garburator'.
/t.- Beleive it or not, a gravitron has already been mentioned as a guess. And no, the described object is not a bath/pool toy, life preserver, or improvised as in inner tube. And no rings of saturn -- although I could imagine pointing to the rings of saturn through a telescope!
e- And no, it's not a garden hose or a soup (or salad) bowl. And not a 'garburator'.
On the other hand, utensil is correct in one form of its technical and official definitions. Yet one cannot use the actual word utensil in this case. The everday object Julie described is indeed a kind of "utensil" (and that would only be part of the answer.) Good work!
Something which is kept "around-dinner near-the-sink"? A dishrack?
Mincer or meat grinder if it is not a utensil holder kept near her sink.
Is it a spoon?
I hope that hasnt aready been guessed...
Okay, a plumbing wrench.
a plunger?
e, canopenner, enemy of the republic, /t., and good for me- Not a dishrack, mincer or meat grinder, utensil holder, plumbing wrench, cyclotron, or plunger.
You're using utensil here as a "tool". Look at its other meaning. And add this to the idea of ["Canopenner"s guess] spoon possibly and occasionally being connected to this everyday object in question. And also, now is the time you might bring this guess into the equation (from "Good for Me, 12:00AM"): coffee filter.
All as part of a process (or ritual).
Some association with meal times? dinner gong? Nah...no one does that anymore!
a receptacle: relating to spoon, coffee filter, & possibly water -- tea cup or coffee mug or a word that ends with 'tron'?
e- Dinner gong, probably not. But a dinner bell, I think some people still do use a dinner bell. But neither one is the object in question. You did some very fine quessing throughout, E!
/t.- You were awake, and you smelt the coffee! Not a tea cup, but a coffee mug it is!
Let me know why you thought it might be a word that ends in 'tron'. Interesting.
/t. got the answer.
The answer is: a coffee mug.
Congratulations /t. (a second-time winner)!
I feel like I should be better at this. I look forward to your next one. /t--congrats--I never would have guessed.
congrats /t.
i was so close, but yet so very far...with the coffee filter.
enemy of the republic- I think you'll only get better at it. You're already very good.
good for me- Yes, I know. It's like apples and oranges.
/t.- I suppose it’s a positive thing that you’re thinking you’re supposed to be learning something with these descriptions. Because if you think you’re learning something (or are actively out looking to learn something), then you will indeed have a better chance of learning something than if you were not. After all, attitude counts more than anything when you’re learning.
And if there is anything to learn in this schizophrenic descriptions exercise, it’s this: there is a kernel of message in every utterance. Even when a baby cries, for example, there is a message in that cry. You may not understand what that particular cry means, but if you have any interest at all in that baby you’ll at least guess (or make a series of guesses) on what that cry might mean. And you’ll know when you’re right in your guess when the baby is satisfied and is crying no more.
Now the point here is not to feel connected with or concerned for or interested in the schizophrenic patients making these descriptions, but to simply recognize that when you’re guessing there’s a lot of processes going on in your mind whether you think so, or notice it, or not.
So when you say you’re merely guessing, what does that really mean? It means that you’re taking a good look (or even just a very cursory look) at what you see in front of you, and you’re then putting it together and simultaneously taking it apart in some manner or other, and putting it all back together again in order to conform or associate it to some other outside thing that means the same thing. Because the key to the schizophrenic descriptions exercise is that there is indeed an answer to be reached, a single answer.
Here is where you can find all kinds of things to learn! For example, are you really aware of the fact that around you everyday, all the time, there are things happening, and utterances by people around you, that are giving you some kind of message [either overt of covert, intentional or unintentional, clear or unclear, etc.]? Nothing is said in a vacuum. None of it is gibberish. You can fool yourself and claim that “something doesn’t make sense” when you hear it or see it, but really everything makes sense. It’s just up to you to know or guess what it is. Don’t underestimate the importance of guessing. It’s a more important skill to have than you might think. So why not practice guessing when you can, and on a so much simpler scale!
So, in conclusion, you’re not really learning how to “decipher these writings,” you’re merely “studying” the fact that everything has an answer. And you just want to be able to get to that answer as quickly and as accurately as possible. Think of it this way: each time your guess is wrong here with the schizophrenic description, that is a guess that you might make in real life that could be wrong. What I mean is that there are many occasions throughout the day where you “guessed wrong” regarding what was being said around you or to you. Most of the time you never know, because the answer is not always immediately available to you – although the answer is always there! It might not be available to you because you don’t see it, or you’ve guessed wrong on what the answer was.
Finally, these schizophrenic descriptions are quite nice because we know that there's an answer to them, and yes, the answer is hidden from us for some time (like in real life!), but then (and here’s the beauty of the schizophrenic descriptions exercise) we get to see what the answer was, the correct answer!
And yet the facts regarding exactly how we get to the "right answer" for every one of the choices we make in our life, for example, are still cloudy and shrouded in wonder!
/t.- Oddly enough, if I had said simply that this exercise is art, it would have come across as if I was evading the question(s). It's strange what art could do! ;)
It is so weird how people can behave if they are suffering this sort of craziness. I think your blog is to learn an important lesson Flic
Garbage disposal food.
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